zondag 14 november 2010

What Has it been, a month?

I love Japan for all it's quirks, for how it sometimes brings a smile to my face without me knowing.

I can't stand japan for it takes me away from my family and all that I know,
how it can make simple things like a cold seem that much worse...

I love Japan for it's an adventure that has helped me to grow, and adventure I will never
ever regret, and adventure that has brought me close to things I will never have back home.

I love Japan for it has brought me and made me realise who my real friends are,
no matter how cruel this may sounds.

I love Japan for it's funny quirks that involve the train conductor late in the evening, checking,
checking all the wagons, bowing as he enters the card, asking people if the stuff that
is left behind is theirs and if not he takes it with him, only to point out to me kindly that there are seats. Which I decline with a smile to get a smile in return... only to see him bow once more
as he leaves the cart To see him through the window repeat all that he did in the other wagons as well. 

It has brought me much, and at the same time made me feel like I lost something.
But whatever it is that I lost, I have a friendships that became so much stronger, and I have
gained experiences that i couldn't have gotten back home.
when I go home it will be all the sweeter.

Hello blog readers,

It's well, you know how it is here, finally again with an update after neglecting this place for so long. I've been out of the spirit for writing about my experiences for quite a while because there are just so many of them that I don't know how to put in words or how to capture them in a picture. Japan has many quirks that I love and it has many things that I miss.
For one there are things here i wouldn't have back home, but home has things that I would never have here. One thing I am grateful for or maybe two is that as stated above this journey, this travel to this unknown place has given me experiences and a certain kind of wisdom that I wouldn't have gotten back home. Further more, I'm proud of myself for being here, even if sometimes I feel like I am a bit pathetic, I miss home still and I don't think I'll stop missing home till I get home. Although I realise that the Japanese language is for me to much to grasp and that I might not pass this subject with flying colours no matter how much it hurts me, I'll be al right, I have done this and I am proud of myself. It makes me wonder what's waiting ahead of me when I go back home. on the one hand I don't want to go cause I know what awaits me there, more stress, stress that I can do without and stress that makes me want to curl up under a Japanese rock and not come out. And because back home my future is so much more uncertain, here I can wallow a bit maybe even hide in what I like the call fake safety but I guess I'd be a coward if I never return home.

Another thing I'm grateful for is how much my friendships have grown and how much I've realised who my real friends are and who I can trust. I've come so close to certain people especially one that I am grateful for this experience to allow us to get this close and I think the person will know when she reads this who I am talking about.

Anyway adventures adventures, there have been many adventures. Kobe, Kyoto, arcade halls, chikans! all of it that's to much to put into words, I've seen temples, I've seen shrines
I've been harassed by a Japanese old man that even though quite shocking at the time was funny afterwards but did make me realise that this is a problem in Japan that no one wants to address. At least not the Japanese people who are the ones falling victim to it especially woman, i stood up but many of them don't.

I've gone to school and I've tried to live into and melt into the japanese way of living but it's hard, I will always be and don't get me wrong I never thought this but an outsider will always be an outsider. There are quirks about japan and perks and I love some of them and I hate some of them. but hey it's the same with every country right?

For now, tuning out!
see you all later, if you want photo's drop a note many of them are on facebook and accesibal.


1 opmerking:

  1. Heej girl,

    I read it, and I now especially what you mean about growing and we understand you better then you do yourself? (LOL)
    But I do how your feelings are because I have some thought's and feeling too.
    We both learning about life... still do?
    Understand we love you and that don't change anything.. so live your life. ze zeggen met vallen en opstaan kom je er wel...maar pas wel goed op jezelf.

    ik denk dat je mij bedoelde met als ze het leest?
    Ik snap je helemaal, maar het is voor mij ook iets, ik moet je loslaten zodat jij verder kan groeien zonder mij en Mart.

    Maar weet we zijn er voor je maar er zullen vele momenten zijn dat je het ook zonder ons moet doen !!!

    Voor nu weltruste and love you
