woensdag 15 september 2010

And so my life in Japan beings. :)

Meron soda

Hello Blog Readers,

so it has been a good while since my last post and that was with various reason. In the more private circle of my life it was bumpy and added to that with the fact that I still have to get more used to japan then I initially thought I had to I was kind of lost. The weekends are good cause I get distracted by my good friend Naye, which I thank her a lot for and then the times that I get home are just messy and painful but I get over it with time I guess. I actually had a really good day today which is why I decided to post now before anymore drama makes around the corner cause now I can tell you all about my weekend and my first real days at school.

random japanese flowers
So saturday I met up with some other exchange students and we went to a more nothern part of osaka to a big shopping mall Yadama Denki, the only reason I remember the name is because while your in the super big store, the slogan Yadama denki is about repeated every 7 minutes if not 5. I bought, no caved in at the huge amount of manga available and bought two one piece books that have general information and because they were shiney. I like shiney things. After that I said goodbye to the others and went my own way back, I'm getting good with the japanese public transportation and I am proud of myself. Also Taking random picture of three japanese ladies who were deeply suprised was nice, especially cause they were giggling, probably feeling either proud that they wer eput on a photo or giggling because a wierd foreigner was taking pictures of them. See three pictures below to learn more of public transportation!

A train In Japan

Three Kind Japanese Ladies

It was a short stop at home and here I got ready to meet up with Naye again, cause both of us apparantly had the need of an english speaking person who fangirls and who knows more about one another and then I went on my way to hirakata, Finding her place, ALL BY MYSELF, thanks to a nifty song. See where it really gets hard is the moment I get out of the train but I managed. So after some catching up she took me out to have a proper dinner, cause... one downside of Japan. 
It's five days a week almost that I have deep fried food, and it's bad, and greasy and gross. And I have no choice but to eat cause food in Japan is expansive, there's no escape in that, it is. And it's in pink bento's. Pink. Honestly Pink. it looks horrenderus and horrible and it makes me want to gauge my eyes out. Yesterday is the first time that the food was actually somewhat nice. But back to saturday cause Naye, the dear took me out to have grilled chikken with rice and a salad and I was in heaven and it was good. Then she took me to a kareoke BOX and it rocked and it was awsome. And they have lemon soda, did I mention how much I love lemon soda? Well I shall mention it now. :D I love it. ((see the included picture please! XD at the top. )) And I mostly did english songs but it was still awsome.

I stayed over the night, watched sherlock holmes and went home on a sunday on which it was scorching hot and I felt a sudden dread and emptiness again and it only became worse when I got into the apartment, alone felt the cold and realised i had left the airco on which made me feel even more stupid, Talked to my parents and got more homesick, luckely I have friends to cheer me up. Like Naye, Aya and Felony but also my roommates Martha and Mirva which I can't thank them enough for.

Then monday came and I felt more worse, the Japanese classes were all screwed up and it was hot and bothering and nasty then tuesday came and it was even worse with me ending up somewhere crying and being comoforted by princess which made me slightly feel better. Talked to naye and some more friends at night which was good and then I went to sleep and had the most delicious sleep ever and then woke up today, I felt good, went to school, had fun, laughed, played round, sketched and listened to music, interacted, had an interesting class, got home, did my homework, still felt good...

but now there is the worry of korean girls calling me sensei cause I showed or made them hear how to make a donkey sound, it makes me worry cause I think I might have permanently damanged my reputation. Not that I had one to start with but still... it's a reputation I can go with out donkey sensei ? XD no thank you, when they tempted to call me that I shut it off and told them not to. Oh well.

it's preparing now for saturday on which the welcomings party will be and on which I will sing, which makes me worried cause I can't sing, and I'll make the audiance go deaf, and I don't want that and I'll be known as donkey sensei who sings awfully? XD oh man japan is going to be tougher then I thought.

I got my ticket for tokyo though which will be grand, for now it's over and out,

contact me if you want, and comments I always read, thanks for the people who read my blog
thanks to the people who support me, you guys all rock. :) over and out!

2 opmerkingen:

  1. Heej Iris san,

    We hebben weer met aandacht gelezen, en fijn om te horen dat je al wat betere dagen heb...
    en wat is dat met donkey bedoelen ze dat je zoals mart zeg grasshopper??? hiih

    Laat ze maar lekker lullen (lol)
    Kom allemaal goed, ik geef wel een hint wanneer ik het pakje verstuur...
    geniet en zing ze het huis uit...(je Kunt het)

    Veel liefs, Mart en Ma
