donderdag 9 september 2010

Musings off how much schools are the same

Orientation day

I'm just typing as I go as I keep being suprised at how schools all over the world seem to have the same kind of thing going on. They say you have to take care of things and that they will help you but when it comes to it, they are nowhere to be seen and don't help at all and you only find out that everything you wanted to do turned to shit. Sort to speak that is.  cause everywhere schools are like la-di-da-di-da,

oh you don't speak japanese well tough luck.

now I am lucky that I know two people who understand a fair bit of japanese and have them as a neighbour in my apartment complex but still, they don't keep in mind the information overload that they give you together with the constant japanese and it's hard for my brain to focus cause, it's already focusing on "must speak english or else my classmates won't understand me" and when I have to speak japanse it just shuts down cause my brain is to focused on speaking english. I have a weak brain, I know that but darn hell I am not giving up. It's just at the moment io am at one of those evneigns again where I want to do nothing more then to curl up and hug my pillow and teddy and listen to sad wailing music and just cry cry cry.

Japan is beautiful but strange. And there are people that make me smile and people that make me want to bash my head agaisnt my wall. People on school for instance. They say a class will be in english, we get a teacher who barely knows english and we are suppose to understand. Yeah, thanks guys.

We are suppose to be able to get teikkei and well most of us did (I did) and some of us didn't, then OGU got a call from the company of the trains in Japan and they were told, sorry your students don't stay long enough in Japan so they can't have one, so now a lot of them have to pay double or triple of what we paid and it sucks for them, I feel sorry for them cause I can feel the hole burning in my wallet now and my wallet screaming in despair. Schools are lacks,
they think to easy, and yeah I know we are students that are legal of age and grown ups and god knows what else, but we are in a strange country, we need help. You can't expect us to already be able to do everything on our own after just the first week. Even back home we need help (and sometimes it's even difficult to get it there).

the people in Japan are nice, but when there is a language barrier it stops. I can ask the way. i've become a proffesional at asking the way, which makes me happy and proud and feel good. but still, there are things I can't do, or that other people can't do.

and don't get me started on the food. everything is deepfried, and i'm starting to regret paying for two months (it wans't like there was an option but still) pink bento's all the time, all the time, and I'm getting sick of it, and the fridge... who in lords name has to unplug his fridge just to sleep?

now these are all the bad things an dthere are more but I want to go to the good things caus eI've met many nice people who rock and are kind and nice in there own way. it's to early to call friends but I definatly hope I will be able to call some of them friend at the end of this adventure.

Dennis who is from the same apartment complex

My friends, from front to back, Alex, Tania, Princess, German, Ben, Miquel and Mary

Stefano from italy our apartmant as well.

I guess adventures are meant to be found out on your own, a helping hand sometimes really isn't bad though.
especially not when it comes to me, I doubt alot, and right now I am doubting if this is what I can do.
I am not good at japanese. I'm the girl who twisted light and toilet seat around, to amusement of the teacher but still. I need things to clear my mind,
Hopefully tomorrow will be a more eventful day we shall see. it would be good.

Till next time! 

3 opmerkingen:

  1. Hoi hoi,
    we hebben je avonturen weer gelezen,je gaat nog wel meer meemaken, probeer s'avonds je tv zachtjes aan te zetten, dan hoor je de taal en daarvan neem je ook weer een beetje van over???

    Is verder alles goed?

    Je hebt toch al mensen ontmoet, en waar je mee omgaat, dat is toch al de 1ste stap in de goede richting...

    Het komt allemaal, heb geduld..
    we denken veel aan je, en we geloven in jou!
    en we houden veel van je, en ben zo benieuwd naar foto's en je verhalen...

    alvast fijn weekend, en geniet ervan
    xxxx liefs, Martin en Mams

  2. hey Girl.
    thinking about you and following your blog.
    Remember that this is all about you and to enjoy what's happening around you even if it is not as expected you did it and in a few weeks look back and say " WOW ".
    I know this might sound corney but nobody said it was going to be easy on your first trip away from home.
    hang in there, good times are there just let them happen.
